2020 - a year like no other!

Finally, we are counting down the days to Christmas and the end of the year. 2020 has been a year that none of us will soon forget with COVID-19 being the biggest story of our lifetime.

From its official recognition in March, this novel coronavirus swept throughout the world like a tsunami and dramatically changed all of our lives. 2020 is symbolic of everything that can go wrong but we will end the year with a bit of light and a glimmer of hope for better things to come.

In many ways, the pandemic showed up a great deal that was already happening in our world, but it also magnified much about ourselves and the way we live. Trends that predated the pandemic were accelerated and certain developments might come to pass a few years earlier than they might have done otherwise. Perhaps the greatest surprise is the roll-out of an effective vaccine after only a few months which demonstrates what can be achieved when scientists and governments work together and, crucially, provide an enormous amount of joint funding. People need to understand the link between the COVID and climate crisis and that the pandemic is a  result of our continuous annihilation of nature which has brought novel microbes in touch with people.  Assuming that acceptance and the political will of many countries, there is no reason why we couldn't apply this game changing approach to tackle other global problems like the climate emergency, inequality, poverty, racism, to name but a few.

Like everyone else, we have faced lockdowns, uncertanty, anxiety and isolation. The first lockdown everywhere created total upheaval practically overnight. With shows postponed or cancelled and offices closed, IFBSO members had to figure out how to continue working and keeping staff motivated while furloughed.  Sadly, there have been casualties but there have also been heartwarming stories and tales of hope. The IFBSO Executive Committee met more regularly than normal, albeit in a COVID secure manner via Zoom, and the meetings were constructive and fun which proves that joy can be found even in the hardest of times.

What do we take away from 2020 and most hope for in 2021?  Christmas 2020 will be difficult for many people with meeting restrictions in place in many countries. Whilst we understand that we may have to pay a price that is far oo high if we ignore the restrictions, we find it hard to follow them in a year where we missed meeting people and true connections. The simple joy of being with other people, close enough to touch and be touched, the need for close relationships and community is what makes us human. The virus revealed what is our greatest weakness but also our most precious strength: our need for each other. And that gives hope for the revival of live events in all forms, albeit with some changes and innovation as and when it is safe for people to get together in large numbers, hopefully latest by the summer of next year.

Best wishes for an enjoyable festive season, a merry and peaceful Christmas and a much happier, healthy and positive New Year!




Posted on Dec 18, 2020

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